Dr. Mitika Kanabar

About Dr. Mitika Kanabar (MD, MPH, FASAM, Dip. ABLM)

While completing her medical training, Dr. Mitika Kanabar spent a month treating patients at a de-addiction facility. Dr. Kanabar decided to pursue a career in Addiction Medicine in order to continue helping other patients in similar situations.

Dr. Kanabar eventually completed her specialized training from Stanford University and is a board certified physician. Dr. Kanabar then briefly lived in a water-view apartment in Downtown San Francisco; however, Dr. Kanabar traded her city life for a life in the California high desert. Doing so enabled Dr. Kanabar to serve a high-need patient population with limited access to addiction care.

Dr. Mitika Kanabar aims to spread global awareness via her evidence based blog and multi-lingual talks. Both are designed to help share knowledge about:
– Living a Balanced Lifestyle
– Mental Health and Addiction in Southeast Asia
– Combating stigma
– Starting conversations about the spread of addiction in the Indian subcontinent.